Day: January 27, 2023

Statement by President Joe Biden on the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity

Statement by President Joe Biden on the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity

At the Summit of the Americas, I announced the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity—a historic initiative that will bring our hemisphere together to drive sustainable and inclusive economic growth. Today, eleven countries—Barbados, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Uruguay— are joining the United States and coming together to advance the Americas Partnership, a significant step that will help deliver for working people across our region. This group represents about 90 percent of the Western Hemisphere’s GDP and nearly two thirds of its people. Working together, we will unleash our full economic potential—including boosting our…
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Statement by President Joe Biden on the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity

FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Advances Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity

Newly announced initial partners represent about 90 percent of the Western Hemisphere’s GDP At the opening ceremony of the Summit of the Americas, President Biden announced the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (Americas Partnership), a historic new initiative to drive the hemisphere’s economic growth, tackle the core issues that will define the coming decades, and galvanize greater economic cooperation in our hemisphere.  Today, Secretary of State Blinken and United States Trade Representative Tai are moving this initiative forward with representatives from the initial Western Hemisphere countries who will join them and endorse the principles and high-level goals of the initiative.…
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Statement by President Joe Biden on the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity

Statement from White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on the Terrorist Attack in Israel

We strongly condemn the heinous terror attack that took place this evening at a synagogue in Jerusalem, and are shocked and saddened by the loss of life, including the killing of at least eight innocent victims. The attack tragically occurred on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, when the memory of those lost in the Holocaust is commemorated around the world. The United States will extend our full support to the Government and people of Israel. Accordingly, the President has directed his national security team to engage immediately with Israeli counterparts to offer all appropriate support in assisting the wounded and bringing the perpetrators of…
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Statement by President Joe Biden on the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity

FACT SHEET:  Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Actions and Progress to Protect Communities From Lead Pipes and Paint

Today, at a White House Summit on Accelerating Lead Pipe Replacement hosted by Vice President Harris, the Biden-Harris Administration announced new actions and progress to deliver clean drinking water, replace lead pipes, and remediate lead paint to protect children and communities across America. Through historic levels of funding from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and American Rescue Plan, annual appropriations, and harnessing a variety of  tools across federal, state, and local government, the Administration is delivering tangible progress on the groundbreaking Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan announced in December of 2021. The Biden-Harris Administration is working aggressively to…
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Statement by President Joe Biden on the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity

Statement by National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan Following Arrest in Alleged Assassination Plot Targeting Critic of the Iranian Regime

Today, the Department of Justice is bringing to a courthouse in New York a defendant charged in a failed plot to assassinate a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil who has been speaking out against the Iranian regime. That defendant, who is alleged to have directed the plot from Iran, is charged alongside the alleged hitman, arrested late last year in New York, as well as a third individual arrested overseas and facing extradition to the United States. The law enforcement action today is the latest U.S. disruption of plotting activities against this victim and other Americans. It follows a disturbing…
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Statement by President Joe Biden on the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity

Statement by National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on the New U.S.-EU Artificial Intelligence Collaboration

Today, the United States and the European Union signed an administrative arrangement to bring together experts from across the U.S. and Europe to further research on artificial intelligence (AI), computing, and related privacy protecting technologies, as underscored in the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council (TTC) commitment. This collaborative effort will drive responsible advancements in AI to address major global challenges with a joint development model and integrated research to deliver benefits to our societies through five key areas of focus: Extreme Weather and Climate Forecasting, Emergency Response Management, Health and Medicine Improvements, Electric Grid Optimization, and Agriculture Optimization. Together, we are…
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Statement by President Joe Biden on the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity

Statement from President Joe Biden on Personnel Announcement

I’ve known Ron Klain since he was a third-year law student. He came to work for me on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and I knew the moment he started that he was a once-in-a-generation talent with a fierce and brilliant intellect. Just as important, he has a really big heart. I want to thank Ron and his wife Monica and their three children for their commitment to being a part of my team all these years. During the last 36 years, Ron and I have been through some real battles together. And when you’re in the trenches with somebody for…
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Statement by President Joe Biden on the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity

FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Releases New Data Showing 26 Million People in All 50 States Applied or Were Automatically Eligible for One-Time Student Debt Relief

New data comes as elected officials and special interests actively block many of their own constituents from getting relief Today, the Biden-Harris Administration released new data showing the number of people in each state who applied for student debt relief or were automatically eligible for relief. These borrowers could be benefitting from the Administration’s program right now were it not for lawsuits brought by elected officials and special interests. In August, President Biden announced his Administration’s plan to provide up to $20,000 in debt relief for borrowers earning less than $125,000 per year. The Administration’s program aimed to protect borrowers…
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Remarks by President Biden on Economic Progress Since Taking Office

Remarks by President Biden on Economic Progress Since Taking Office

Steamfitters Local 602Springfield, Virginia 2:35 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT:  How are you all doing?  Please, take a seat if you have one.  (Laughs.)  I said that — AUDIENCE MEMBER:  We love you, Joe! THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much. I said that — when I was seeking the nomination, I said, “Take a seat, everybody.”  And there wasn’t a single chair in the place.  (Laughter.)  And they said, “That Biden really is stupid.  He doesn’t know…” Where’s Doug [Don]?  The congressman.  He’s around here somewhere. AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Right here! AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Right here! THE PRESIDENT:  Oh, there you are.  Doug…
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