Madaleine Nelson, Canadian Designer on the Rise!

Madaleine Nelson, Canadian Designer on the Rise!

Madaleine Nelson, Canadian Designer on the Rise!
Original Article

Madaleine Nelson, a Canadian fashion and textile print designer on the rise, known for creating fun and playful clothing with a feminine twist that is always body inclusive. 

24FASHION.TV: When did you first realize you wanted to pursue a career as a fashion designer?

Madaleine Nelson: When I was around 11 years old, I used to draw sketches of dresses in my notepads or in a sketchbook. If I listened to a song I really liked I would sketch a dress for the celebrity to wear in the music video that I made up in my head. I realized that I cared about what other people were wearing and I started talking more about being a designer to my friends and family. Thats when it first really hit me that I could do it professionally. 

Where do you usually find creative inspiration?

Usually I find inspiration through having fun and observing the world around me. I love being in nature so that really inspires me to look at small details, such as dandelion petals, any flower pretty much, bark, and so on. Having fun inspires me to not design anything too serious, always keep it playful and a bit organic. Going with the flow is important to how I design since I will change my mind so many times!

Full outfit designed by Madaleine Nelson

How is working in fashion different today than from when you started out?

When I started out I was really naive about how everyone would act towards each other. I really struggled to get a job and even when I started university I was a bit shocked at how catty it could get. Now Ive learned that you have to take harsh criticism with a grain of salt because fashion is an art form and everyone has different tastes.