Rock N Karma is Toronto based chic street wear founded by creative sister duo Naomi and Devorah.
24FASHION.TV: When did you first realize you wanted to pursue a career as a fashion designer and where do you usually find creative inspiration?
Rock N Karma: Naomi has always been a natural fashionista always doing her own thing; making and creating clothing from a young age. While Devorah has always had a creative eye. We grew up in a family where fashion played a big part of our lifestyle. We are city girls drawn to fashion from a young age and find inspiration from everything around us. However, having been able to travel to different parts of the world throughout our life, has allowed us to widen our fashion inspiration from different cultures.
How is working in fashion different today than from when you started out?
Fashion is a rapidly growing industry, therefore it’s always changing. Naomi as a teenager started street-vending her hand-made garments in the summers, now being at a 3-level Flagship store on Queen West – change is something we embrace here at Rock N Karma. We have always chosen the retail sales approach as it connects us with our customers creating a more organic, personable environment. Although, E-comm + Social Media is the most apparent change in the industry today.
What role do you think social media plays in fashion today?
Social Media most definitely plays a massive role in fashion today showcasing trends, new product releases + promotions are just some tools that we utilize here at Rock N Karma. Now with Fashion Week being 90% virtual Social media platforms + making your digital presence known in the Fashion Industry is more important than ever before.