Lip Fillers are TikTok Most Popular Cosmetic Non-Surgical Procedure

Lip Fillers are TikTok Most Popular Cosmetic Non-Surgical Procedure

Lip Fillers are TikTok Most Popular Cosmetic Non-Surgical Procedure
Original Article

With millions of people turning to TikTok for lifestyle tips and amusement, there is no denying the influence the platform has had over the years. Furthermore, with the beauty industry continuously growing, many have turned to TikTok for inspiration on the latest trends.

With that in mind, the experts at sought to find out what the most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedures are on TikTok in 2021. By compiling a list of non-surgical cosmetic procedures, they analysed the top two viewed hashtags of each procedure on TikTok and totalled their views to discover which is the most popular overall.

Some of the highlights from the research include:

The lip filler is the most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure on TikTok in 2021 with over 1.8 billion viewsMany people seek to have perfect brows with microblading and brow lamination being the second and third most popular procedures Lip blushing is especially popular in 2021, with this procedure having approximately 118 billion views on TikTok

THESE are the most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedures on TikTok with the number of views

It appears the influence of the Kylie lip continues to grow as can reveal that the most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure on TikTok in 2021 is the lip filler. This procedure has gathered a whopping 1.8 billion views on the platform from the two most popular hashtags used, #lipfiller and #lipfillercheck.

The second most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure on TikTok in 2021 is microblading, gathering almost 1 billion views on the platform. For those who want fuller brows, microblading is a semi-permanent procedure that can help them achieve that. And although some professionals advise against this procedure, it remains extremely popular.

It seems like many people seek to have perfect brows, with the third most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure on TikTok being brow lamination. The two most popular hashtags for brow lamination, #browlamination and #browlaminationtutorial have gathered almost half a billion views in total!