Nabil Younes, Paris celebrity designer.

Nabil Younes, Paris celebrity designer.

Nabil Younes, Paris celebrity designer.
Original Article

Nabil Younes is a Paris-based luxury fashion designer. Many international celebrities such as Paris Hilton, Monica Bellucci, Sabah, Hend Sabry, Nelly Karim, and Haifa Wehbe have stepped out onto the red carpet in his gowns.

24Fashion.TV: Hi Nabil! Congratulations on the new collection! It’s absolutely phenomenal!

Nabil Younes: Thank you very much, it was a lot of work!

Can you please tell me a few words about your collection shown at Paris Fashion Week 2020?

I think it’s a very beautiful collection, and I am very happy with it because it was very popular among my clients and we have seen very high demand for it! Also, we had the singer of the Parisian opera sing so the atmosphere was unforgettable!

Where do you usually find creative inspiration for your new collection?

I draw a little inspiration for new collections from observing fashion, from traveling, looking at windows in Paris, London, New York. From knowledge, from education. From the cinema of the era of Marilyn Monroe. I am also inspired by many outstanding actresses such as Angelina Jolie and others. And I also created a collection during this difficult period, which I called “Marilyn Monroe”.

A model wearing a dress from Haute Couture Collection 2018 by Nabil Younes

Wow, that’s impressive! When did you first realize you wanted to pursue a career as a fashion designer?

I started getting into fashion when I was 5 years old. I enjoyed watching fashion shows, looking at fashion magazines, and drawing sketches. And this hobby grew up with me. As a five-year-old child, I already knew what I wanted to do, and what I wanted to devote my life to. I chose my profession at the age of 5.