24Fashion had the honor of interviewing Diane Pernet, the Paris-based iconic figure, a legend who has made a name for herself as a journalist, curator, designer, critic, and a pioneer of digital culture. From her trailblazing fashion blog, to her filmmaking and creation of A Shaded View On Fashion film festival (ASVOFF), Diane has woven together several art-forms to create something new and unique – the fashion art film as a new vehicle for designers, filmmakers, and artists to create new means of self-expressions. In the more traditional media, Diane has written for Elle.fr, Vogue.fr, and been a fashion editor for JOYCE, Hong Kong. Diane brings the sort of personal experience and perspective to any in-depth analysis of the fashion world that is unique and unvarnished. Thank you Diane, and we hope to see the entries for ASVOFF 13 for ourselves this Winter!
24Fashion TV: Diane, welcome to 24Fashion TV! We have a motto at 24FashionTV: Always be fashion! What does fashion mean to you? Style?
Diane Pernet: Ive been in fashion more than half my life so clearly it means a lot to me however the difference between fashion and style is fashion has a sell out date, that is the nature of fashion. With the current crisis that weve all lived through perhaps that idea might be changing. Style however costs nothing and is timeless. Style cannot be bought.
Diane Pernet in CITY Magazine, 1984
Is your personal style, the outfit we so often see you wearing, a nod to Japanese style that you are said to be so fond of?
The only nod is to myself. I do love Japanese and Belgian fashion however neither have anything to do with my personal style.