King of Footwear Art Kobi Levi

King of Footwear Art Kobi Levi

King of Footwear Art Kobi Levi
Original Article

Design and shoes have been Kobi Levis passion since his childhood in Tel Aviv, Israel. His first shoe designs were created during his high school days. They were made from cardboard back then. Following his passion, in 2001 he graduated from Bezalel Academy of Arts & Design, Jerusalem. Since his graduation Kobi worked as a freelance footwear designer. During this time Kobi learned the trade secrets of shoe development and craftsmanship. For his own leisure Kobi designed unique, creative and innovative shoe styles, which challenge the standard definitions of design, art and fashion to create a niche of their own. These footwear art creations were uploaded to a blog Kobi started in April 2010. Soon the blog took on a life of its own and reactions streamed in from all over the world. This over-night exposure brought Lady Gaga to use the design Double Boot in her Born this Way music video.

Lady Gaga wearing design by Kobi Levi “Double Boot” in her Born this Way music video

Worldwide attention and publications led to a growing demand for Kobis artistic styles. His email inbox filled almost overnight with thousands of requests from all over the world, asking where the unique shoes can be purchased. In July 2011 Kobi opened his studio in Tel Aviv and started to offer his original designs for sale. In the studio he creates, develops and produces limited editions from his designs. All pairs are made by hand from high-quality materials.

24FashionTV had the honor to sit down with the designer for an exclusive interview.

24FashionTV: When did you first realize you wanted to pursue a career as a fashion designer?  

Kobi Levi: I was always fascinated with things around us, and was questioning why they look and were made the way they are, various things we use in our daily life. I was curious about how objects were designed as well as technically made to achieve both look and function. Fashion and accessories are the closest products we use, they represent us, we choose what to wear to reflect our personality, and they go with us wherever we go, so I guess that was what appealed to me to focus on.