A conversation with Qiuyi Luo about ARC LUO STUDIO

A conversation with Qiuyi Luo about ARC LUO STUDIO

A conversation with Qiuyi Luo about ARC LUO STUDIO
Original Article

Inspired by Dadaism + mathematics + much more,ARC LUOuses fashion to explore philosophy + creative concepts. The labels most recent collection, In-arti-culate, focuses on the perception of art and how it shifts from person to person. These themes are not hidden; throughout much of the collection, imagery of toilets makes a prominent appearance a bold move that shows the brands willingness to explore topics not often covered in the fashion world.



How does your brand position itself on the international market?

An opinion leader who is working on the costume designing.

How the brand was born and how many people are involved in the team now?

My brand Arcluo were born during the pandemic. Many brands closed, which means less competitors and new opportunities. I dont think there is a fashion brand with long history in China yet.


What do you think is the biggest challenge for a young brand right now?

Sustainable output. Strike a balance between attention and the wearable design.

How do you want to achieve the long-lasting concept for your brand?

Establish long-term cooperation with buyers and develop the fans economy.

How do you determine what is durable design?

Convenient, collectable and comfortable clothes.



What happens to that part of a production that does not get sold?

Presell or discount.

How far do you go in terms of sustainability?

Fashion is not necessity, clothes are.

The key of Environmental protection is about the thoughts of consumers, while, the concept of environmental protection itself is conflicted with the promotion of consumption.

The essence of the sustainability is to lower peoples desire to buy. There are many options for manufacturers to change, the application of the environment-friendly material, the energy saving of production and the adjustment of design version (for instance, zerowaste). They have to change, as the consumers change. What really need to adjust is what and how to advertise.