
Certifying Edison Aircraft

Certifying Edison Aircraft

Edison Aerospace LLC has begun the process of registering its prototype aircraft with the Federal Aviation Administration, a big step on the path to delivering our first aircraft to new customers. The path to Experimental airworthiness certification involves registering the future aircraft and getting a tail number assigned, building it and documenting every step of the build process, and finally having it inspected by an FAA Designated Engineering Representative for actual airworthiness before a Special Airworthiness Certificate is issued. Our Prototype 1 aircraft that is currently undergoing flight computer and autopilot testing is registered and will operate under Part 107…
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Spray Performance Calculations and Tradeoffs

Spray Performance Calculations and Tradeoffs

Aviation is, like all engineering pursuits, full of tradeoffs. You can fly farther but carry less payload and travel slower, or you can fly faster but burn much more fuel and lose some range. You can go supersonic with small, thin, wings, but then you can’t slow down for landing below 170kts. You can land at 45kts, but then you will cruise at only 110kts. It’s much the same with the payload/spray rate/coverage relationship for spray aircraft. If you are spraying at ULV rates of .5gpa, you can cover 10 times more area than you can when spraying at 5gpa,…
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