ITRCC Announces Exit 10 Construction Schedule

ITRCC Announces Exit 10 Construction Schedule

ITR Concession Company LLC (ITRCC) has announced that construction work at Exit 10 (Gary/Chicago International Airport) will commence on March 20, 2023. The work will be contained on the Exit 10 interchange ramps and bridges, with intermittent restrictions on mainline travel lanes on I-90. To expedite the overall project schedule, the majority of construction will occur Monday through Saturday between 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. (CT).

Project Timeframe Exit 10 | Cline Toll Plaza | March 20 to November 15, 2023

•Eastbound (EB) Entry Ramp Closure - (3/21 - 5/20) - Take 912 south (Cline Ave) to US-20 east. Travel US-12/20 to ITR EXIT 17.

•EB Exit Ramp Closure (7/5 - 8/31) - Patrons will be urged to use EXIT 5 and take US-41 Sto 312 EB.

o If Patrons miss the EXIT 5 route, they will need to use EXIT 17 and use US-12/20 WB to work back west.

•Westbound (WB) Entry Ramp Closure (9/18 - 11/15) - Take 912 north (Cline Ave) to 312 west (Chicago Ave). Travel 312 to US-41, turn right (northbound) onto US-41, turn right onto 141st St. and follow signs for ITR EXIT 5 WB on ramp.

•WB Exit Ramp Closure - Patrons will be urged to use EXIT 17 and take US-12/20 WB west. 

o If Patrons miss the EXIT 17 route, they will need to use EXIT 5 and take US-41 S to 312 EB to work back east.

• Motorists may experience delays related to this construction.

•Signage will be deployed before work zones to notify motorists of alternative exits along the construction corridor.
*Dates subject to utilities, materials, equipment, or weather delays.

For more details concerning lane closures and specific detour routing, visit the Northwest Indiana Bridge Rehabilitation project page found at

Mainline bridges will be reduced to single travel lane from 3/20 - 5/25 with a phase change on 4/24. After 5/25 all lanes will be open. Construction alerts will be updated frequently @lndianaTollRoad on Twitter, Facebook, and lnstagram.

Contact Information:
Kent Jorgenson
Public Involvement Lead

Original Source: ITRCC Announces Exit 10 Construction Schedule ITRCC Announces Exit 10 Construction Schedule

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