ALEXANDRIA, Va., March 15, 2023 ( - The Congressional Commission on PPBE Reform (Commission) released a Status Update report on March 2, 2023. The Status Update provides information on the Commission's activities since it was established in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022. The Commission has gained valuable insights into how the PPBE process works from various stakeholder viewpoints as it proceeds on a roadmap toward an Interim Report in August 2023 and Final Report in March 2024.
The ASMC PPBE Reform Task Force (Task Force) reviewed and discussed the report with great interest. The Task Force applauds the Commission for its transparency into its activities and engagements to date. Moreover, the Task Force is encouraged by the wide range of inputs the Commission has received from the government sector, private sector, and academia, including from the Task Force itself.
The Task Force agrees with the input received by the Commission that a majority suggests the PPBE system needs significant improvement. This is consistent with feedback the Task Force has received in surveys of ASMC members. Decision support systems in the public sector, like PPBE, must have inherent tensions in place that ensure full review and accountability for stakeholder interests. At the same time, decision support systems need to be grounded in current best practices and technologies of decision science to maintain agility and drive outcomes. The outcomes for PPBE should be focused on promoting innovation, supporting military readiness, and creating a competitive advantage for the United States.
The Task Force commends the Commission for the openness and breadth of engagement thus far. The Task Force appreciates the consideration of the wide range of alternate views heard by the Commission and reflected in the Status Update. The strength of the Commission's work will
continue to hinge on the scope of the Commission's outreach, research, and collaboration, while equitably balancing the interests of all stakeholders involved in the process.
The Task Force recognizes the challenge in PPBE reform - a decision support system that has been entrenched for over 60 years. ASMC and the Task Force are committed to elevating the discussion on PPBE reform, advocating for ASMC member interests, and supporting reform recommendations that meet the needs of government and industry to produce military capability for the 21st Century.
About ASMC:
ASMC, established in 1948, is the non-profit educational and professional organization for persons, military and civilian, involved in the overall field of defense financial management. ASMC promotes the education, training, and certification of its members, and supports the development and advancement of the defense financial management profession. The Society provides professional programs to keep members abreast of current issues and encourages the exchange of information, techniques, and approaches. For more information, see
Melissa Blacketer
Associate Director of Communications & Public Affairs
[email protected]
Original Source: ASMC Response to Status Update from Congressional Commission on Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) Reform
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