Day: May 4, 2023

FACT SHEET: Vice President Harris Celebrates Small Business and Manufacturing Boom

FACT SHEET: Vice President Harris Celebrates Small Business and Manufacturing Boom

Vice President Visits State Small Business Credit Initiative Recipient and Releases New Report Demonstrating Administration’s Support for Small Manufacturers Today, in celebration of National Small Business Week and in recognition of the critical role that small manufacturing businesses play in the economy, the White House released a report detailing how the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda is providing critical support for small businesses in manufacturing industries, including through the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI). Vice President Harris will travel to Richmond, Virginia to highlight the report, visit one of the nation’s thriving small manufacturing companies, and discuss how…
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BLUETTI AC500 vs. AC300: What’s Changed?

BLUETTI AC500 vs. AC300: What’s Changed?

AC500 vs. AC300 SYDNEY, May 4, 2023 ( - The BLUETTI AC500, an upgrade to the classic model AC300, debuted on Indiegogo and achieved remarkable success. It raised over $12 million in two months, breaking the world record for any portable power station fundraising event. Comparison of AC300 & AC500 Model AC300 AC500 Rated Power 3,000W 5,000W Scalability Up to 4*B300 Up to 6* B300S or 4*B300 Max. Input (AC+PV) 5,400W 8,000W  Max. AC Input  3,000W 5,000W (at least 2*B300S) Max. Solar Input 2,400W 3,000W Smart App Control Yes Yes Warranty 4-Year  Same Size, Different Energy     AC300 boasts a…
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FACT SHEET: Vice President Harris Celebrates Small Business and Manufacturing Boom

Statement from Vice President Harris After Meeting with CEOs on Advancing Responsible Artificial Intelligence Innovation

Advances in technology have always presented opportunities and risks, and generative AI is no different. AI is one of today’s most powerful technologies, with the potential to improve people’s lives and tackle some of society’s biggest challenges. At the same time, AI has the potential to dramatically increase threats to safety and security, infringe civil rights and privacy, and erode public trust and faith in democracy. Throughout my career I have focused on protecting consumers from the risks associated with technology. As Attorney General for the State of California, I worked to protect seniors from online scammers, women and girls from…
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Vilnius Security Forum (Rus). Форум по Безопасности, Вильнюс 2023-03-24

Vilnius Security Forum (Rus). Форум по Безопасности, Вильнюс 2023-03-24

There is a lot of pro-Putin bias in the Western world. We aim to dispel this “macho” propaganda and reveal true colors of his regime: murder, intimidation, industrialized kleptocracy and well-funded russian fascism propaganda machines. We were born in Russia, we have lost friends to this murderer… we see how he “zombifies” most and intimidates and beats down the rest. We also know where his weak spots are and what atrocities his regime is committing on a daily basis. Message from the source channel owner. “Вильнюсский Форум по Безопасности” проходит в Литве в шестой раз. В этом году в его…
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FACT SHEET: Vice President Harris Celebrates Small Business and Manufacturing Boom

Readout of White House Meeting with CEOs on Advancing Responsible Artificial Intelligence Innovation

Today, Vice President Harris and senior Administration officials met with CEOs of four American companies at the forefront of AI innovation to share concerns about the risks associated with AI. President Biden dropped by the meeting to underscore that companies have a fundamental responsibility to make sure their products are safe and secure before they are deployed or made public. The President and Vice President were clear that in order to realize the benefits that might come from advances in AI, it is imperative to mitigate both the current and potential risks AI poses to individuals, society, and national security. These…
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FACT SHEET: Vice President Harris Celebrates Small Business and Manufacturing Boom

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby, and OMB Director Shalanda Young

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 1:25 P.M. EDT MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  Good afternoon, everyone.  Happy Thursday.  I have a couple of things, and then we’ll get to our guests.  Got a lot of fun happening today. All right, First Lady Jill Biden is traveling today to the United Kingdom to attend the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III and Her Majesty Queen Consort Camilla on behalf of the United States.  The U.S. and the United Kingdom are close allies and strong partners with enduring ties between our countries and peoples.  The First Lady is honored to represent the United…
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FACT SHEET: Vice President Harris Celebrates Small Business and Manufacturing Boom

Remarks by Vice President Harris in a Moderated Conversation at the White House Asian American & Native Hawaiian And Pacific Islander Forum

The George Washington UniversityWashington, D.C. May 3, 2023 5:15 P.M. EDT AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Warriors! THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Go Warriors.  (Laughs.)  (Applause.)  Well, Doug is not here.  I can say it.  (Laughs.) Hi, everyone.  Hi.  (Applause.)  Wow.  What an extraordinary group of leaders in one place at one time.  This is very exciting. MR. WON:  Would it be possible to get the house lights up just for a second so the Vice President can see what the room actually looks like?  (Applause.)THE VICE PRESIDENT:  This is a big deal.  (Laughs.) Joe Biden would say that a little differently, but this is a big deal.  (Laughter.) …
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FACT SHEET: Vice President Harris Celebrates Small Business and Manufacturing Boom

Remarks as Prepared by NEC Director and White House Competition Council Chair Lael Brainard at the American Economic Liberties Project’s Anti-Monopoly Summit

Thank you. It’s an honor to be joining you. For two years, I’ve watched from afar as President Biden led a sea change in competition policy. I’m delighted to inherit the mantle from Brian Deese and lead the White House Competition Council during this historic moment for the anti-monopoly movement. We’re going to build on our momentum and finish the job of strengthening competition after decades of consolidation in our economy. I want to thank Senator Klobuchar for her leadership on these issues—especially with regard to Big Tech. I hope that we can work together to make legislative progress. As…
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FACT SHEET: Vice President Harris Celebrates Small Business and Manufacturing Boom

Executive Order on Imposing Sanctions on Certain Persons Destabilizing Sudan and Undermining the Goal of a Democratic Transition

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,      I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, hereby expand the scope of the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13067 of November 3, 1997 (Blocking Sudanese Government Property and Prohibiting…
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Introducing the Versatile Salary Calculator by

Introducing the Versatile Salary Calculator by

Salary Calculator launches a versatile Salary Calculator for business and finance professionals, offering accurate and convenient pay calculations. LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, USA, May 3, 2023/ —, a trusted online platform offering a wide range of calculation tools, has released a new Salary Calculator designed to assist users in business and finance. This calculator is ideal for professionals who work in these fields and individuals who want to conveniently calculate their expected salaries. The Salary Calculator simplifies determining pay, providing accurate results with a user-friendly interface. Users can choose from different ways of accruing income, including hourly, weekly, monthly,…
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